Gift a Smile

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As a Library and a resource centre, the books that we wish to acquire are never ending, ever changing, and ALWAYS on our list of ‘resources we need’. Regardless of space, capacity or limits, a Library should be all encompassing, evolving and democratic in what it represents and as a Library is represented by it’s books, we are always on the lookout for these special treasures.

As an NGO and a charitable trust, however, our eagerness and excitement to add to our collection is usually countered by forcing ourselves to first ‘sit down’ and logically discuss the costs, defend it’s necessity, and decide whether funds could reasonably be allocated to support these purchases. Hence each purchased book (and books, especially children’s books, can be marvellously expensive!), is never an impulsive buy with Bookworm.

With this background in mind, the Amazon Wishlist is truly a special gift for us. When each new ‘gift’ arrives, everyone in the Library excitedly unwraps it, and the Book is passed from hand to hand, to explore with joy. Each book that we have received so far is incredible and more so because of the kind hearted gesture behind each one.

Our wishlist is carefully selected and curated, to add to the diversity and richness of our collection, as well as to cater to children of all backgrounds and enable an introduction through stories to a wide range of topics. Through our two outreach programs, ‘Libraries in Schools’ and the ‘Mobile Outreach Program’, each book that we acquire is gradually dispersed into the hands and hearts of children from varied communities and backgrounds, either through a ‘Read Aloud’ or through ‘Book Lending’, thus spreading this joy and gift far and wide.

The month of March, brought with it some of our favourite books. To the Team at Bookworm, there are a few authors, who’s books are cherished, treasured and loved to near dog eared perfection. Oliver Jeffers is an all time favourite with most of the Team. Just say his name, and most will start smiling. Imagine our excitement and happiness when this month brought us a gift of the most recent addition to our Oliver Jeffers collection (‘Here we are: Notes for Living on Planet Earth’).

To everyone who has gifted us these wonderful treasures so far, Thank You. To the team at Amazon for initiating this kindness, thank You. To our Readers, Thank You. And to our well-wishers, our list is ALWAYS growing! 🙂

To donate, please visit our wish list on Amazon.

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