Live from Lockdown Library – A podcast series

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Before the pandemic, there was a frisson of excitement coursing through many of us in the library field feeling the first shaking of what is possible, imminently possible when we engage with the imagination of libraries for children and young people.

That excitement has perhaps shifted to a tremor of a different kind because the world around us is in flux. Across the breadth of this country many committed organisations have moved into immediate and much needed relief work, distributing food grains, sanitation needs and what we continue to think of as ‘basic needs’ for human beings.

With no access to children and youth in groups, no access to spaces for gathering together and millions of our community on the ‘other’ side of the digital divide, where do we go from here?

What do we imagine is our role and vision for library work?

Live from Lockdown Library is a series of short 12 – 18 minute interviews with leading lights on the library – literacy billboard.

Listen to the episodes at