Library Without Walls

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The monsoon season abated late in Goa this year. We said bye to our last monsoon shower in November. The mossy ‘angan’ began to dry out at St. Thomas Boys Primary School while the energy within the classroom was anything but drying out. The general feeling of wanting to get outdoors grew stronger every visit and finally we broke free.

We began to organise the library session outdoors, in the little courtyard of the school, where a mango tree provides us shade and a raised plinth a space to place our library books.

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2013-11-21 12.00.11Everything is refreshing. We have run around games like treasure hunt and match the colour and find a partner. Quiet group work  to figure out the theme of the story, listening and browsing. Everything is possible in the gentle environs of the outdoor.

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The library needs very little to become an alive, active, energised space. The check list may look like this

Library Educator who loves books Tick
Books that can be loved Tick
Children who can grow to love books Tick
Love Tick










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