Reflections from participants

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As we concluded Bookworm’s first Seminar with Benedito Ferrao, ‘Reading the Remanants of Portuguese India’ we realised we were better readers than when we began.

Thanks in no small measure to the selection of texts, the dialogue, the conversations and the discussions left many of us thinking, reflecting and even wondering – as all good reading must.


Here are some comments from the group, that are positive enough to ensure that we will organise another Seminar when the opportunity arrives. We hope you attend !

‘Reading the Remnants of Portuguese Goa’ was an enriching experience for me. I particularly appreciated Bene’s carefully selected range of texts and the nuanced discussion. The ambience was perfect…with Graham Greene, T. S. Eliot and Shel Silverstein looking over our shoulders Smile

Prema Rocha

For me it was an opportunity to think about the literary representation of Goa within Goa, along with those who live here. This provided an opportunity for us to reflect on the role played by literature/stories/imagination in how we think about Goa/nness.  As we discovered, literature allows us to hear voices from the margins, about history, and identity in its multiple valances and intersections. But most importantly, even as we discussed community, it was within a community setting that was varied in representation and perspectives.

R. Benedito Ferrao

It was a wonderful  experience giving new insight while reading any article or a story.

‘Low caste wife may have a better future in Africa’ or naming a character in a play in relation to Goan contemporary real actors in a play ‘Goa’ was totally new insight for me.

Shrikant Barve

I loved the interaction today. It was nice to have “known faces” around and discuss these short stories. I am sure there will be many more kept by Benedito in the drawer for the next session, right Benedito?

Nalini Souza

And, for me, returning to India after thirty years away (and being fortunate enough to locate myself, now, in Goa), Bene’s seminar was truly enlightening and stimulating. Enlightening, in the exploration and subsequent insights, the depth of the analysis; stimulating, in that it has spurred a desire to uncover more, to read further and imbibe from Goan friends some of the richness of the land.

Mariam Sandhu

Thank you for planning  this unusual workshop.

I found it mentally stimulating and useful to discuss  work that reflected on Portuguese colonialism and its contexts.

Savia Viegas

Thank you Bene! and Sujata for pushing for this!

I hope this is the beginning of many more insightful discussions! I feel very lucky to have been there for this first workshop at Bookworm.

Karishma D’Souza

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