‘Walk About’ during summer camp

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The Summer Camp was half way done and the third week ‘Walk About’ was upon us. The plan was to take the group of children out on excursions for the entire week. That was not all, the places had to have a link with a book from the library ( Bookworm’s strict and one and only condition:-) ). So Ana Liza and yours truly sat and planned and planned. Day One was to be a vegetable and fruit farm just round the corner. We set out excitedly with the children and their hats and water bottles and of course ‘the storybook’. It was a marvellous trip. We saw fruits, vegetables, flowers, insects, birds and the owner’s dog too. We read a story called ‘The Seed’. The children collected dry leaves, stones, cashew seeds, feathers and what not for their scrap books.


Day Two was beach day….Yay! We went to Miramar beach and it was fun!!!!! We had treasure hunts, decorated shell keychains and shells, sand etc was collected for the scrap books too. Did I forget to mention the storybook?  It was ‘ A Gift From The Sea’. It was one very exhausted group that trooped back to the library, teachers included…..

Day Three was the Jack Sequeira Park in the heritage lane.  The children loved it. We browsed through books relating to trees, plants and flowers. We strolled around, checked the different types of plants and trees. Touched many leaves and smelled flowers. We even spotted a mushroom and saw many ants and butterflies. We heard birds and also collected dry seed pods. It was an all round sensorial experience for the children. ‘ Ponni the flower seller’ was the story I read. Flower wreaths were made and we took back a group of cute flower princes and princesses.

Day Four was a walk to the beautiful St.Michael’s church around the corner. With the help of our very special yellow magic ribbon, the children walked to the church. They saw bells, stained glass windows and read tombstones and spoke about a stone engraving of a skull and bones which fascinated little Kevin the entire session till he went home:-)

And suddenly it was Day Five. The children had loads to do…decorate their scrapbooks, play memory games relating to the trips, listen to a story about making a collage of interesting things collected on each trip. We wound up this super week with a presentation for the parents. I must confess that I was a bit worried about how the week would go by but I was pleasantly surprised as it actually turned out to be a lovely fun filled five day picnic……

Written by Deepali

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