Preschool mornings are back

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preschool-posterHappy sounds of young voices, reaching for books, recognizing favourites  and talking or gesturing at toys was the start of Pre School morning. Hunter grabbed a dinosaur which  gave him the ability to fly around, Ian held on to a car, while he read and Ela was engrossed in a book. All of this before Elaine gathered them around her and began singing with them to get them in the mood of a story. This Saturday, they would listen to Rain by Manja Stojic. Happily they pointed out to the different animals they saw in the book and Aarini even told us about the drizzle of rain she experienced once. Post story time all the little ones made their way up the stairs to feel the rain with the rest of the activities Elaine had planned for them…

They coloured cut out squares of paper to stick over their rain maker tubes. Over eager to listen to the magic we promised them, they filled the canisters with extra seeds only to have Elaine remove the excess, else they wouldn’t get to hear the rain. After they were done, they tumbled the rain maker in their hands to hear the sound of the rain.

Everyone looked forward to snack time, which had them making umbrella’s from sliced apple and decorating their plates with marshmallow clouds and chocolate chips for rain. Yes, these little ones claimed “rain” tasted like chocolate that Saturday.

To end their activity, they drew their very own rainbows on paper and coloured them in, from a template Elaine drew for them- V-I-B-G-Y-O-R. Different patterns of rainbows followed. Mete had a wavy rainbow across his page, while Ela’s had pink inside it. Elaine then dripped blue paint over their sheet to make it look like rain, as it slid down their sheets. Saw the rain ? experience it both outdoors and within ? These little ones did.

And if you must know, it rained outside with a bit of sunshine through the morning, but the rainbows were made indoors with plenty of smiles…

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