Of course there’s a MOP session on Wednesday…. Tonca!

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60+ kids….a new site…lots of curiosity….and a MOP session waiting to happen!

We chose to do I Like Stars for the session this Wednesday.




There was a lot of having keep the kids in place today, but I figure that’s a start up feature of any site. There were a couple of spectators half getting involved with the session and there are a couple of boys who require the extra attention and the odd stern voice, but all in all manageable. The reading level of the kids seems relatively basic, but they took to and did the activity quite coolly.




As a site, the idiosyncrasy lies in the fact that a large part of the demography of kids falls in the preschool age group. This, therefore means that the extension activity for the book requires to be customized for the 2 groups. And so it was; Elaine took charge of the little ones, and she was fantastic with them!; and I took charge of the older group. The kids at this site all go to schools around the area. Their reading level is basic, but the creativity of the answers (to the question ‘Where do you see stars?’) that most of them displayed, was fascinating!




‘Star fish!’


‘I like stars book’

‘Star world’




The beauty of this place though is that the group of kids and the community at large are amazingly welcoming and open.

It seems to me that they’ve already let us in…..and we’re glad to be there!


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