Celebrating Taleigao Konsachem Fest with a Cholta Cholta led by Vasco Pinho

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Cholta Cholta….Konsachem festak yo!

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And so we did! On the 21st of August, a Cholta Cholta walk led by Mr. Vasco Pinho set off to explore the intricate history behind the Konsachem Fest that is celebrated in Taleigao on the 21st of August, every year for the past few centuries. This festival, heralds the beginning of  the harvest season across the state.

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In keeping with tradition, the ritualistic corn harvesting and the presenting of the first sheaves to the Governor continues to take pride of place in the day long events. 

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The walk began at Bookworm library  proceeded to the Communidade Hall ‘Casa de Povo’.

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Along the way, Mr. Pinho enlightened us to fact that Taleigao, was not limited to solely the area we know it to be now; in fact, it included all of what we now know as Panjim as well as Altinho. And in that light, the capital city as we know it, was in fact just a small part of what was formerly Taleigao.

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Questions and trivia flowed as the walkers carried on and Mr. Pinho had ready answers and anecdotes that kept the conservation lively and interesting.

Towards the end of the walk, the group took in the newly restored murals at the Communidade hall. These murals depict the story of the origins of the festival in the village and the traditional occupations and livelihood of the people.

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Of course, what fest would be, complete without the ‘fau’….and so the conversation carried on over bowls of puffed rice and jaggery.

And thus it was that Bookworm celebrated its first Konsachem fest in Taleigao, and Cholta Cholta continues.

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